Water purification information

Tips for using and maintaining household water purifiers you must know

Views : 68166
Update time : 2021-12-06 11:12:32
Water purifier use and maintenance skills are here! A must-see for novices, what problems will you encounter when installing a water purifier?

1. The water outlet of the newly installed water purifier becomes white

The gas in the pipe, the air, and the bubbles generated by the activated carbon filter element of the water purifier will cause the water in the water purifier to appear white. At this point, it only needs to stand for a few minutes to make the water clear.

2. Correct treatment method after water cut

Occasionally encounter the situation where the water is stopped and the water comes back in the community. The rapid water flow will also bring out the silt and rust in the water pipe. If the water purifier is turned on at this time, it may cause the filter element to be blocked and affect the use.

The correct operation is to turn off the water purifier first. After the water supply is restored, turn on the other faucets in the home to drain the sewage. When the water turns into a normal color, turn on the water purifier.

3. What should I do if I don’t use it for a long time?

If people are not at home and the water purifier will not be used for a long time, the water and electricity must be cut off before going out. After returning, check that the power cord and the body are normal and then turn on the power, and rinse the machine adequately.

If you just bought the aicksn water purifier, you can use the mobile phone applet to remotely control the filter element, so that you can drink clean and good water as soon as you go home.

How to do the entry-level maintenance of the water purifier?

1. Rinse regularly

Like people, water purifiers also need to "bath". However, the aicksn water purifier has an automatic flushing function, so you don't need to worry about forgetting to flush the machine.
The aicksn water purifier will have an automatic flushing function
But it should be noted that if the home water purifier has not been used for a long time, the machine needs to be flushed every 7-15 days.

2. Replace the filter element in time

As the "heart" of the water purifier, the filter element must not be sloppy.
Automatic reminder of filter replacement time
The life cycle of filter elements of different materials is also different, and the life of the filter element is also affected by factors such as local water quality and household water consumption. But all filter elements must be replaced in time when their life is about to expire.

If your newly bought aicksn water purifier, there is no need to remember the replacement time of the filter element.

Because aicksn is equipped with an intelligent computing system, it can accurately calculate the time to replace the filter element based on the domestic water consumption and water quality. When the life of the filter element expires, it will automatically remind you to replace the filter element.
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